100% officially done!
There was still a bit of cover up left to do in the top sash, and the swirl pattern we drew in did the trick. To refresh your memory, here is what was she looked like before we started...
...quite the transformation since last year.
It is always nice for me to be able to step back when it's done and just take it all in. When you're in the middle of all these sessions and figuring everything out, and working hard and concentrating, it can be very difficult to appreciate the tattoo as a whole.
Kudos to her for following through and being dedicated to getting it done the right way. It's not an easy thing to get a tattoo of this scale, and she should be very proud (and happy too I hope). These things can definitely be taxing physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially (taxing on the artist as well, but I won't complain), and I view it as a serious accomplishment to see it through.
I've got a friend with a photo studio, so hopefully this winter when everything is really nice and settled in we can get some arty professional shots...
P.S. Thanks to all who have been very kind with your feedback and response to this tattoo. It's all hers, but there is a bit of my soul in there, and it makes me happy that she loves it and others enjoy it as well.